Meet Charlie
Charlie is inventive, creative, smart and perceptive. With an (almost) scientific approach, she knows how to solve great mysteries. With a curiosity about how things work exactly – and how you actually KNOW that it works that way – she devises all kinds of experiments. And luckily, she has her long-haired guinea pig Puma by her side to consult from time to time or help with her ‘research’.
Charlie encourages children to be curious about how the world around them actually works. Naturally, if you want to understand something, you can ask your parents, but will you get the answer you want? With creative and problem-solving thinking, children can figure out a lot of things for themselves, and Charlie shows this ‘in person’.

Friends booklet
Motto: ‘I never make a mess. I’m doing research.’
Loves: ‘Crisp green apples. They help me to think better.’
Dislikes: ‘Tidying up.’
Wants to be: ‘An entomologist – that’s a really big word for an insect expert!’
Loves to wear: ‘My jumper with all its pockets – super handy for my notebook and pen, and everything else that I might need.’
Favourite holiday destination: ‘To a city with museums! I was in London with my parents and brother, and we went to the Natural History Museum. It was so beautiful.’
Never leaves home without: ‘My notebook and pen.’
Psssst: ‘Sometimes I pee in the bath. But don’t tell anyone.’
Can’t do without: ‘My guinea pig, Puma.’
Siblings: ‘My brother William. He’s really old – 15 already! He likes music and reading.’
School: ‘I go to “inventor’s class”, where we do all sorts of experiments. It’s really cool.’